Saving Christmas for two drivers and 39 dogs

Caught between Brexit and sudden Covid-19 travel restrictions in the UK, time was running out for two lorry drivers and dog rescuers - and for 39 dogs who were still waiting for a home.


So first things first, happy new year everyone! 2020 was an incredibly difficult year for us, but we know it was hard for a lot of people, we simply could not have kept going without your support and generosity so thank you all!

With Covid 19 and Brexit still very much at the forefront, we still have a lot of challenges facing us as we move into 2021. So we wanted to share a very heartwarming story that was our last transport of 2020, and just how wonderful life can be when we all pull together.

Let's start with the lucky Hope For Podencos dogs who helped make up this incredible tale…

With Brexit making transport of adopted pets from Spain almost impossible come 2021, Hope For Podencos and many of the other charities were ensuring suitable adopters and forever homes were found for as many animals in need as possible. 

We managed to get the puppies (that were ready to leave their mum!) out in early December and knew that our last transport of the year was crucial.

Isa had found her experienced, patient home for her nerves and confidence building, Pipo had found his home that understood his poor leg would require special treatment and Robin had found her loving home after being overlooked for so many years, we just couldn’t bear to have them stuck with us here and wanted them to start their new lives. - Boss man Steve!

Between a rock and a hard place

Then we got the dreaded call… On Sunday 20th December, our transporters Oscar and Jean of Viajando con Mimi were stuck at the UK side at Folkestone, trying to get back through the Eurotunnel. France had closed its borders due to the news of a mutated, more contagious strain of coronavirus.

This was a big problem, as there was one last group of 39 dogs we hoped to send into the UK before Brexit, and with the travel ban, time was running out - each hour spent waiting reduced the chance of Oscar and Jean returning in time.

It took 48 hours for the authorities to come to an agreement on how to get things moving again - but that didn’t happen without a caveat.

Come the 22nd the new rules were in place that drivers would need to present proof of a negative Covid-19 test taken up to 72h before crossing. But with over 4,000 drivers stuck in Kent, mostly at Manston Airport (culminating at over 15,000 at one point), there were obviously not enough tests to go around. 

And after trying numerous other test spots, the concern for making it home in time for Christmas was becoming very real for our heroes. Oscar couldn’t believe:

[It] was a feeling of disbelief due to the lack of foresight for a situation of this magnitude, then the feeling of helplessness of knowing that we could do absolutely nothing and that no one was giving us a solution and finally a feeling of sadness as I was aware that I might not be home in time to celebrate Christmas with my daughter, after learning that we needed a Covid test.


We of course wanted to do everything we could to help. Oscar has been one of our amazing transporters throughout these trying times, as Steve had to stop back in March to focus on the centre with our boss lady Irene. 

We wanted Oscar and Jean to be able to get home to their families, but we needed them to take one last trip back over to the UK before the end of the year for our precious little passengers.

Light in the end of the (Euro)tunnel

Luckily, one of our volunteers works for a wonderful company called BLOK BioScience, who just so happen to provide rapid Covid-19 tests. The French authorities had published a list of all types of Covid-19 tests they would accept as valid for crossing the Channel. One of them was the rapid antigen test offered by BLOK. 

So in the afternoon of the 23rd December we were in talks to get Oscar over to BLOK’s distribution centre in Bourne End - for testing on the 24th at 10.30am. This would give them just enough time to get back to Kent to board a train, ferry, whatever they could get!

So they drove to the centre and took the test, hoping for the best. Both tested negative, and with their result printouts in hand, they rushed to cross the borders back home.


Just to be clear how amazing Oscar and his transport team are, as soon as they got back home and had some time with their families. 

Unfortunately due to the time wasted trying to find information and looking for how to take a test, we arrived on the 25th in the afternoon. I could not share the joy of my daughter opening the gifts, but at least I shared that special moment from a parking lot via teleconference.

Unfortunately, Oscar didn’t make it in time for Christmas Eve, but had just about time to spend part of Christmas day with his family. 

One last push and 40 more dogs with a home

But the clock was still ticking, and soon they were back on the road, collecting all the animals (39) from all the charities in Spain so they could reach the Eurotunnel in time for the 30th December - and get those rescues to their new homes in the UK. 

In Oscar’s words,

We were aware that the possibility of not being able to return to the United Kingdom was real, but I decided to keep my schedule since otherwise we would leave [39] dogs stranded in Spain, whose hope of having a new chance at life was why we made that trip.

It was an incredibly nail biting time for everyone, and a very emotional time for Hope For Podencos and the adopters. We cannot believe how strong and supportive everyone was.

And they made it! On the afternoon of the 30th, Oscar and Jean crossed once again from France to the UK, one last time before the Brexit deadline. One by one, each and every one of the 39 dogs were dropped at their new homes - and this time, to stay! 

We are so thankful to BLOK and their team for donating their test kits and taking such good care of our Hope For Podencos family, we could not have got them home in time without you!

Oscar and Jean, we cannot imagine how stressful and distressing those few days were for you, and we cannot believe you even considered doing it again! But we know you support us and the other charities and that you love these animals. You are legends to the rescue community!

And to show just how magical this story ends, here are all the pods in their new lives!

We like to think our boss lady Irene was up there issuing her orders and having a good old laugh at our running around like headless chickens. But we also like to think she is beaming with pride at what she and Steve started, how far they have come, and what we have achieved as one large extended Hope For Podencos family.

With love to you all! HFP team xxx


Chrysalis K9 for Hope for Podencos - new FB group!


We hear Christmas is coming? So we have taken the hint and added some new products!