Just a little update on our Rita (with some backstory too!)

In 2019 Rita was found wandering the streets in Elche and there was no available space in any local rescue associations. She started to have seizures the day before she arrived with us and went straight to our vet where she was sedated with treatment started. Later she went to Valencia Hospital for a CAT scan which was clear.

For many months the seizures were infrequent but Rita’s balance has never been right nor her spacial awareness, for example she has never tried to jump on the sofa in fact she has never jumped, so we know there is more going on with Rita than just epilepsy.

In Feb 2020 she took a turn for the worst and she had what is called cluster seizure. We got her into our nearest vet hospital where they heavily sedated her let her relax and then gradually increased her Phenbarbitone . 

There is no exact diagnosis for Rita - a lumber puncture was mentioned and a MRI scan, but we were also told that even with results they don’t think anything can be done. They have no idea if she was in a car accident or hit her head violently or if she was born this way and the seizures started to develop. 

We have decided not to put her through an MRI or Spinal tap and that she will be given her medicine for her epilepsy and we will do our best to keep it under control.

As anyone who follows Rita will know, she took little BamBam under her wing when she arrived and they were inseparable until BamBam was adopted. They had a wonderful relationship although we think maybe Rita is also just SUPER tolerant…

Rita is always popular with the other Podencos, especially the little ones who love her nature!

In July this year Rita started to have seizures again and we were concerned the medication wasn’t working anymore, so she was back off to the vet hospital for tests.

We expected her to be drowsy when we collected her as they had upped the Phenobarb and her body needed to adjust. What we didn’t expect were the multiple sores on her knees and her elbows. This happens when Rita starts to pace but we would never allow her to injure herself in such a way.

The hospital offers 24 hour care which means that Rita should have been monitored and not allowed to hurt herself… But this wasn’t the case, on top of the sores her foot was also bleeding when we collected her. This was an incredibly emotional time for Irene and Steve us they always put the welfare of the Podencos first and Rita is very dear to them.

Rita was on a cocktail of Phenobarb which has increased permanently and Keppra (for 5 days) was added 5ml every 8 hours. We had to lift her out for the toilet and then back to her cushion.

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We are thrilled to say that her new treatment is working and Rita is back to her old self again, her fits are under control and she is enjoying her time with Irene, Steve and the other resident dogs (of which there are many!). Rita is now able to take her self to the toilet and have a play in the yard.

Rita is considered a Forever Resident of Hope For Podencos and will spend out her days here with us in the house. We will monitor her and ensure that her wellbeing is always at the heart of any decisions we need to make surrounding her health. But Rita always has and always will be a fighter, it’s the Podenco nature. While she is happy and not suffering, we are happy.

She is one of our most followed dogs (#ritahfp) and we love that our community takes such an interest in her story and wellbeing, this lifts our spirits when we face times of worry with her and is a huge source of comfort for Irene and Steve.

Many thanks! HFP team xxx

Here are our family of Forever Residents at the Hope For Podencos Centre


Irene Allan - gone but never forgotten xxx


Claire Martin on Podencos and recall